Michelle's Website Assignment 12

My name is Michelle and I love baking and taking daily walks. Welcome to my website that I will use to highlight some of my favorite pictures from my walks and pictures of my baking. You can visit my blog for additional information and updates!

Something that I have always loved doing is taking walks in nature. Whether it be through a park, new neighborhood, college campuses, or trails, I always enjoy the fresh air and the scenery.

Another passion of mine is baking. I love to bake cakes and cupcakes for events and birthdays for family and friends. My favorite part is always decorating to match the theme of the event!

Favorite Places to Walk

NYIT Campus, Central Park, Eisenhower Park.

Favorite things to bake

Cookies, Cakes, Cupcakes

Visit My Blog

You can visit my blog for additional information and updates!


Types of Cookies

Chocolate Chip


White Chocolate Chip